No Current Openings
Beautification Committee
The Beautification Committee conducts studies and implements plantings and improvements to beautify Middlebury, subject to approval by the Board of Selectmen. It meets the third Wednesday of every month.
1 Current Opening
Commission on Aging
No Current Openings
Conservation Committee
No Current Openings
Economic & Industrial Development Commission
The Economic and Industrial Development Commission consists of seven members appointed for a term of five years on a rotating basis to perform the duties prescribed in Section 7-136 of the General Statutes. It meets every fourth Tuesday, monthly at 6:30 p.m. in the Town Hall conference room
No Current Openings
Ethics Commission
1 Current Opening
Greater Waterbury Cable Council
No Current Openings
Greenway Committee
1 Current Opening
Justice of the Peace
No Current Openings
Land Preservation and Open Space Committee
The Land Preservation Open Space Acquisition committee maintains the Fenn Farm property and makes recommendations to the Board of Selectmen for acquisition and maintenance of other historic properties. It meets the third Wednesday of every month.
1 Current Opening
Naugatuck Valley Planning Commission
No Current Openings
Parks and Recreation Commission
The Parks and Recreation Commission consists of five members appointed for terms of five years to perform the duties prescribed in Section 7-129a of the General Statutes and such other duties as the Board of Selectmen may prescribe. It meets every second Thursday, monthly at 7:00 p.m. in Shepardson Community Center, Room 1 - no July meeting.
No Current Openings
Planning and Zoning Commission
The Planning and Zoning Commission performs the duties prescribed in Chapters 124 and 126 of the General Statutes. It is charged with recommending to the town the boundaries of the various original zoning district and appropriate regulations to be enforced therein and any proposed amendments thereto and shall collect data and keep itself informed as to the best practices generally in effect so that it may be qualified to act on measures affecting the present and future movement of traffic, the segregation of residential and business districts and the convenience and safety of persons and property in any way dependent on town planning and zoning. It meets the first Thursday monthly in room 26, Shepardson Community Center at 7:00 p.m.
No Current Opening
Public Works Commission
No Current Opening
Retirement Plan Committee
No Current Opening
Water Commission
The Water Commission consists of five members appointed for term of five years to perform their duties in accordance with Act No. 261 of the 1965 General Assembly and the Middlebury Ordinance. It meets the first Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in February, April, June, August, October and December in Shepardson Community Center, Room 26.
No Current Openings
Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals consists of five members and three alternates appointed to perform the duties prescribed in Section 8-6 through 8-7d of the Connecticut General Statutes. Members and alternates are appointed for terms of five years on a rotating basis as terms expire. It meets on the first Wednesday of the month in room 26, Shepardson Community Center.
Middlebury Republicans interested in a position on a local board or commission may express their interest with a letter to the Middlebury Republican Town Committee, PO Box 1206, Middlebury Ct 06762. Alternatively, you may send an e-mail to